Friday 21 March 2014

... and a Mirror Makeover

I have to confess that I have become slightly obsessed with painting and distressing furniture! My latest attempt is a Mirror Makeover!

I've recently had a go at revamping a Make Up Storage Box and DIY Painted Chair, and used the same techniques on this mirror.

The mirror originally came from a car boot sale and I really liked the shape, but not the dark wood!
I started by painting it with a coat of undercoat/primer and used masking tape to make sure I didn't get any on the actual mirror part.
The colour I chose was a camouflage green, which was leftover from painting our dining room. I painted two coats and then started the fun part of distressing! I discovered that a razor blade worked well to scrape paint on the flat sections.
I made the hanging using two hooks and some string. Not particularly pretty, but it does the job and no-one will see it!
 To finish, I painted a thin layer of matte clear varnish.
 This is hanging in my craft room and I really like the colour contrast with the bright walls and gives a nice vintage feel.
I'm now looking for another project to satisfy my painting/distressing obsession.... any ideas?! Can you ever have too many distressed items in one house?!


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