Tuesday 26 November 2013

... and Yarn Bombing our Local Library

We've finally got round to getting all of the pictures together from our first Yarn Bombing experience! When we found out that the Coffee and Craft group from our local Library (Battle Library, Reading) were going to spruce up the inside of this historical building, we couldn't wait to get involved!

Battle Library is over 100 years old, and has amazing pillars inside - the group planned to see how far they could get by yarn bombing them. They asked for members of the public to get involved by donating a piece of knitting / crochet, and helped by leaving baskets of wool on the desk for people to take away to do this. Once the donations came in, the Coffee and Craft group got together over several sessions and stitched it all up (with the tiniest of help from us -  our main contribution was piecing this "man" together -not much but at least we could document the project!)
Here's Sian!!!

And here are the results!
What do you think? Have you done any Yarn Bombing? We'd love to hear about it!


  1. Looks great! I haven't done any yarn bombing myself but I have seen the results in both Oxford and Riga - they definitely brighten up the day :)

    1. The library did such a great job & it really does brighten up the day! xx

  2. I have never even seen yarn bombing in person, but I think this looks amazing! Beautiful job!

    1. This was the first time for us too. We were really lucky that it was so local to us!! x

  3. Oooo, Book-Building "Bombing-with-Bunting"! Gotta LUV it! :-D
    I'm retired now from the "Bibliographic"-Biz... But back in the Day, those technical-tomes could've used a hit of COLOUR!!
    Great Stuff PEOPLE!!

    1. Thanks Auntie Shan! It was a great way to brighten up the library :) x

  4. This is just too cool. Pinning to crochet. Linda


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