Friday 1 August 2014

... and Yarn Wrapped Pots

I had some candles in terracotta pots, which were well past their best to say the least! So to make the pots more pretty, I decided to wrap them in yarn!

These were the original pots..... told you they were worse for wear!! I soaked the pots in hot water until the wax melted, then gave them a good scrub. Of course I've saved the wax for another project...
 Once they were dry, I covered them with PVA glue.
Starting from the bottom, I just started wrapping the yarn around the pot. You don't need to pull it tight and I found it easier to rotate the pot (rather than the yarn).
Where I swapped colours, I just snipped off the yarn and started with a new piece. I tried to keep all the start/finish points on the same side so that the front would look seamless!
I tried a couple more designs, with a mix of wool yarn and garden twine.
 This was a really quick project and I think it makes the plain pots look much prettier!
I now need to decide what to use the pots for.... perhaps some cacti or small plants? What do you think?!


  1. Very cute twist on the idea. Love the choice of colours

  2. how pretty! what a simple but brill idea :) cacti sounds nice

  3. They look so lovely but I would stick to using them for candles - great for barbecues and parties. If you plant something in them and water it then water will seep through the terracotta, the pva will dissolve and the wool will slide off. I speak from experience! Of course you could pop a plant in a smaller pot inside - problem solved.
    I love the colours you have put together.

    1. Ah good point about watering plants - thanks for the heads up! Sticking to candles may be the safer option :) x

  4. cute! I always have yarn scraps laying around :)

    1. Thanks Erica! I reckon a multi-coloured scraps version would look great! x

  5. They are really pretty, thanks for sharing such a great idea.

  6. Cacti or succulents definitely. They look good.

  7. great idea for a teracotta pot makeover, simple, cheap, easy and works really well
    well done!

  8. I love these! Such a great way to use up those odd bits of yarn.

    Thanks for linking up Fabulously Frugal Thursday!

    1. Thanks Barb, we always enjoy visiting your linky party! x


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