
Friday 11 October 2013

... and the Yellow Suitcase Exhibition

The Yellow Suitcase project has been founded by a group of people who live, survive and are in recovery from mental health issues. The idea of the project is to get people talking about mental health by taking the yellow suitcase to places of work, community groups and organisations around Reading (UK). More often than not one of the most difficult things about having a mental health problem is talking about it, in fear of stigma and discrimination in the workplace.
You can read more about this project on the Yellow Suitcase Project website. "We all have a common dream and shared hope that people suffering with mental health issues, have the right information, help and support, they need to make the most informed decisions about managing their mental health".

As part of this project, an exhibition is currently being held at the Jelly studios and of course we jumped at the chance to go along! There are 50 artists taking part and the only rule is that their work has to be in, on or around a suitcase. Here is a selection of the inspiring art we saw......

'Black Dog, why so faithful?' by Lisa-Marie Gibbs:
'Suitcase of your life Shirley Sully' curated by some you inspired beyond belief:
by half and half:
by Suzanne Stallard:
'Only a pawn in the frame' by Ian Taylor:
'Labels are for packages not people' by Tim Carter:
 by Lesley Brown:
 'Love & Peace Yellow Suitcase' by Maggie Golemiah:
'Graffiti' and 'Blondie' by Oily Urchin:
'So... What's playing on your mind?' by Jay Gibbs
'With a suitcase full of hopes...' by Irilina Kouneva:
Unknown (sorry - please let us know if you have details)
 'Luggage for a journey' by Salvo Toscano:
The exhibition is only on from 10th-12th October, but we'd thoroughly recommend paying a visit if you get a chance! Even if you're not local to Reading, don't forget to check out the Yellow Suitcase Project website here or just start a conversation about mental health with people around you!
"We hope that the travelling Yellow Suitcase will start a dialogue, get people and places talking and in turn this will help to look after the mental health of each and every one of us."
“I am not alone, they are not alone, we are all together and together we can bring about change.
Let the conversations begin about mental health” Lloyd Adrian Quinn


  1. Fascinating exhibition, thanks for sharing.

    1. You're welcome. It really was a great exhibition :) x

  2. There are some amazing pieces of work there, thanks for sharing them.

    1. They're great aren't they! We really enjoyed the exhibition x
